
Ossada humana é encontrada em mata em Presidente Olegário; caso é investigado

Creditos: G1

uman remains were found in a forest in President Olegário on Sunday (14). The case is being investigated after bones were found by a man who was visiting lands he intended to buy in the region. According to the Military Police (PM), around 4 pm on Sunday, a team was activated due to the potential buyer of the land entering a cave to check the water potential of the property. According to the applicant, from the top of a ravine, he saw what looked like a human bone. He then returned to the city and alerted the military. A police team was also on site and had the perception that bones were inside a panty. The PM contacted a criminal expert from the Civil Police who, after checking access and light conditions, decided to perform expert work the next day, requesting additional support from the Fire Department. The remains were collected on Monday (15) and sent to the Legal Medical Institute (IML). G1 contacted the Civil Police and is waiting for a response. VIDEOS: see everything about the Triangle, Alto Paranaíba, and Northwest of Minas President Olegário

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